This is not the first time private firms have associated with DD Direct+, which recently adopted electronic auctions as the mode for allocating space to private channels. Two rounds of e-auctions have successfully been conducted by a Mumbai-based private auctioning agency.
The e-auctions for 26 channels / slots generated record revenues of Rs 63 Crore from private broadcasters. This is more than 3 times what it used to generate before migrating to e-auction mechanism 2 months ago, charging Rs 80 lakh per channel.
Doordarshan will soon float a Request For Proposal (RFP), inviting eligible private DTH and teleport operators to take over the operational command and control of DD Direct+ for the next 5 years for a fixed monthly fee. Under the proposed arrangement, private operators will manage the entire technical back-end of DD Direct+ including uplink and downlink of channels & quality control.