Download Openbox S10, Openbox S9, Openbox S11, SkyBox S11 Clone Safe Firmware software

Openbox S10, Openbox S9, Openbox S11, SkyBox S11 Clone Safe Firmware software

I have been testing various firmwares on this S10 box , and have made some notes on the performance of the box for each firmware.

in terms of Clone Bombs / Clone kills - it seems that any firmware after 31st July 2011 will make the box show a Chip ID of 'FFFF', and when rebooted, the clone bomb will kill the box, and is only recoverable by burning a compatible firmware via a Null Modem cable. And any firmware (That I have tested so far) up to and before 31/07/2011 will show a genuine ChipID and will not kill the box.

I was very impressed with this firmware, and it does fix a lot of issues with the previous firmwares, it is a shame that it has a clone kill - and it is also intriguing that it initially showed a genuine chipid, and then reverted back to FFFF, I might have to try reflashing again and see whether I can get the genuine chipid to stick, as this would be my new recommended firmware otherwise.

I have been testing the following firmwares:
Download link:

Original Firmware that shipped with the box:
- Openbox branded
- Audio 'clicking' issues
- Reboots are quite frequent on certain channels
- Often has severe lip sync issues
- Single channel line
- Recordings played back easily
- Sky card works and can view scrambled channels
- Shows genuine Chipid

FAV 11 Avatarcam - 31/07/11:

- Skybox Branded
- Occasional Lip Sync problems
- Shows genuine chip id (No clone bomb)
- Can record to PS or TS
- Hard to playback recordings
- Single channel line
- Sky card doesnt work (wont unscramble the sky channels)
- S9 Based Firmware
- Occasional reboots on problem channels - e.g certain sky channels

March 2011 Firmware: - 25/03/2011

- Skybox Branded
- No lip sync issues (or very very minor)
- Sky card works and can view scrambled channels
- Records in same format as original firmware (.dvr)
- Easy to playback recordings
- Single channel line
- Skybox branded
- Shows genuine chipid (no clone bomb)
- Occasional reboots on problem channels - e.g certain sky channels but not as bad as original firmware
- Remote still works for putting box in and out of standby
- S9 Based Firmware

Openbox_S9_Europever - 30/06/11

-Openbox Branded
-For S9 Receiver
-Hard to play back recordings
-Shows genuine chipid (no clone bomb)
-Did not test further as could not work out how to play back recordings
-S9 Based Firmware

Skybox S10 - 31/07/11

-Skybox Branded
-Has 3 Line channel list
-Shows genuine chipid (no clone bomb)
-Some lip sync issues on TV and recordings
-Sky card doesnt work (wont unscramble the sky channels)
-S10 Based Firmware

I have added all of these firmwares into a ZIP file, which can be downloaded from here: