Manoranjan TV Free to air Hindi Movie Channel, Frequency and Technical Details

Manoranjan TV Free to air Hindi Movie Channel, Frequency and Technical Details

• SATELITE                                 : INSAT 4 A
• FREQUENCY                            : 3756 MHz
• POLARISATION                        : H
• SYMBOL RATE                        : 13.33 MSps
• TRANSMISSION                       : DIGITAL FREE TO AIR
• FEC                                          :
 3 / 4
• MODULATION                         : QPSK

About Channel:
MANORANJAN TV is the only Free to Air 24 hrs. Hindi Movie channel as on date and initially it is being intensively distributed in the Hindi speaking states of Delhi, Up, Haryana, Rajasthan, Bihar, J & K, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab & Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal to reach the Hindi Speaking population being the largest.
The company, which earlier specialised in ad films, promotions and air time sales, claims to have acquired a slate of 500 Hindi films to mark its foray into the television space.

The channel will have a mix of Old and New Hindi Films. Song sequences, Comedy Clippings and Happenings from the film industries, Film Shootings, making of new films, various interesting shots from new films etc.

Although this channel shows good movies everytime but we don't why it is not added any DTH Platform. let's see in future.

So I think this channel available only for CABLE OPERTORS