Due to Upgration DD's Terrestrial Transmission would be off - DD-1 going to become HD

Due to Upgration DD's Terrestrial Transmission would be off

Chenni Doordarshan's Terrestrial Transmission services would be upgraded with Digital Transmitters, a press release here said. Under the eleventh plan scheme, the four Metros, including Chennai and 18 other centres were being upgraded with Digital Transmitters.

The four Metros would be provided with HD TV Terrestrial Transmitters. Presently, the installation of Transmitter and allied equipments are underway and the Antenna instllation works will be taken up soon, the release added. From October 5 to 13 and October 15 t 20, Terrstrial transmission services will be off from 0000 hrs to 0500 hrs. October 14 and 21, the above services will be off from 0000 hrs to 1200 hrs.

However Cable TV and DTH viewers will have continued services of DD-podhigai and other DD-Services without any break while carrying out the antenna installation works

Source: webindia123.com