Breaking News: 7th e-Auction for 29 Channels Vacant slots on DD Direct Plus DTH, Inviting Channels to become Free to air

Breaking News: 7th e-Auction for 29 Channels Vacant slots on DD Direct Plus DTH, Inviting Channels to become Free to air

Copy of e-auction Tender/Invitation:

Subject: 7th e-auction for filling up of Twenty Nine Channels Slots on DD Direct Plus DTH on 25th October, 2012

The interested TV Channels in getting placed on Doordarshan DTH platform through Auction being held on 25th October, 2012 may submit an EMD of Rs. 2.27 Crore and processing fee of Rs. 10,000 which is not refundable in favor of Prasar Bharti, BCI, Doordarshan Commercial Service Payable at New Delhi. EMD amount will be refunded to channel who do not qualify in the e-Auction Bidding.

The last date for the submission of the application along with the request Demand drafts is 5:00 PM, of 18-10-2012.

The e-Auction will be conducted by M/s. SYNISE TECHNOLOGIES LTD., PUNE (INDIA) on their portal Online training and Mock Drills will be provided to all applicant channels by M/s. SYNISE TECHNOLOGIES LTD, PUNE on 22-10-2012 and 23/10/2012.

Your application letter along with the requisite Demand Drafts and a copy of the Registration, Up-linking and Down-linking permission letters of the concerned Ministry should reach the O/o Director General : Doordarshan, Doordarshan, Bhawan, Copernicus marg, and new Delhi - 110001, at the Facilitation counter or in Room No. 320 to Mr. Man Singh, Section Officer (DTH). Application can also be sent by speed post/courier to Ms. B.D. Mohanthy, Deputy Director of Programmers (DTH) at the above address. However, Doordarshan will not be responsible for any Postal delay. Please ensure that the Name, contact Nos. and e-mail IDs of at least, Two Authorized Officials of your company, who will participate in the e-auction, is mentioned in the body of your application letter. For any further query please visit PB website.

Source for this tendor: