DD Kisan Channel set to be launch on this Baisakhi

DTH News / New Delhi / 02-02-2015 : The 24 hour TV channel is coming soon for Indian Farmers, This is announced by Arun Jaitley today in Budget 2014. This channel will work with help of Prasar Bharati, so I think Channel name would be " DD Kisan TV". Now launch date has been decided for this channel.

Arun Jaitley told that Indian Government will invest Rs. 100 crore for this channel. This channel may be add first on DD Freedish direct to home dth service. DD Kisaan TV channel will provide real time information of farming techniques, latest organic techniques, Water conservation, farming question and answers etc.


Although Mr. Jaitly also announced for 2nd TV channel for North-East Indians, Channel name is " Aruna Prabha TV".

Aruna Prabha and DD Kisaan TV Channel Announced by Mr.Jaitley

"The channel will provide real time information on farming techniques, water conservation, new technologies and organic training," he said while presenting the budget for 2014-15. " I propose to allocate a sum of Rs.100 crore for this purpose," he added. 

Kisan TV channel is totally dedicated to the interests of the agriculture sector.while Aruna Prabha TV channel is Regional TV channel for North East Indians. Both Channels would be Free-to-air.

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