Kanal 75 TV Free to Air on Astra 4A at 4.8° East

Kanal 75 TV Free to Air on Astra 4A at 4.8° East

Technical Details..

Satellite - Astra 4A @ 4.8° East
Frequency -12380,
Symbol Rate -   27500
Mode -3/4

Pol- H

About TV:-

Channel 75 produces each year over 6500 television hours, making more than 100 hours a week. The vast majority of ATG Live, but also about 10 hours in TV4's channels, making the trot and canter to two of the most exposed television sports categories and gives the Swedish horse racing in a unique position in the world. About 1 000 contests television watched annually by Channel 75th

ATG Live broadcast every weekday at 8:00 to about 22:00 and on public holidays 08.00-20.00, all ATG and ATG.se. Tips and information, and live competitions lunch, afternoon and evening. These broadcasts also commented upon in English and sent to some 20 countries around the world who play at the Swedish races.

The TV4 broadcast every weekday lunch trot, part of Sports News and Abbey Road. On weekends, broadcast Winner Winner V65 and V75. The TV4 Plus is broadcast every weekday evening Winner Plus and TV4 Sport every Wednesday V64 Direct.

Besides its own production, so assisting Channel 75, the Swedish horse racing tracks in their TV production. Also produces a wide range of information and commercials for ATG, trrav and thoroughbred racing, as well as external companies.