Doordarshan Free dish to moving (Migration) to an upgraded platform

Doordarshan Freedish to moving (Migration) to an upgraded platform 

Doordarshan's Free dish, India's only Free DTH service which is providing 59 TV channels and 22 radio channels, is going to upgrade from 10th January (12:00 AM).

Updated Channel list after 10th of January 2015 or After Upgrade DTH Platform.

After upgrade DD Freedish Platform channels number would be increase from 59 to 64 TV channels and 22 Radio channels to 24 Radio channels.

Doordarshan Free dish to moving (Migration) to an upgraded platform

To access the upgraded DD Freedish, All DD Freedish users have to re-tune or re-scan their set-top box after changing symbol rates in fta Set-top box. Viewers have to change symbol rate 27500 to 28500 for 4 transponders only. Other 1 transponder remains same.

DD Freedish also added one informative channel on its platform to provide information of this migration. You can watch by clicking below YouTube videos.

DD Freedish users who do not rescan their Set Top Box will continue to get only ten channels for a period of seven days only from the date of up gradation.